08 9442 0000
08 9721 8744
Giving Back
Provident values the trust placed in us and for giving us the opportunity to help more Australians, we give back through varied charity and volunteer work, as well as active participation in the development of our industry.
Further to this, each new referred opportunity to Provident is acknowledged with a donation of $50 to Care Bags regardless of the outcome.
We are proud to support Care Bags. Their mission is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children within Western Australia. "We want them to feel valued, know they matter and understand the community cares about their future". Care Bags provide bags filled with essential items to support children through their first few days in care and to provide a measure of comfort. They also now provide Transient Teenager Toiletry 'TTT' Bags to teenagers and young adults in care, transient or living on their own to help maintain personal hygiene and self-esteem.