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Most Australians do not start planning for their retirement until towards the end of their working life. However, with an average super balance of $79,002 at retirement many Australians between the ages of 60 and 64 are not in a position to enjoy a comfortable retirement. It is estimated that a couple will actually need $510,000 ($430,000 if you are single) to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle1 such as:
being involved in a broad range of leisure and recreational activities
being able to purchase health insurance, electronic equipment, good clothes, a reasonable car
being able to have domestic holidays and occasional international travel.2
The key to achieving your retirement goals is what you do while you are working. Whatever age you are now, Provident Financial Services can deliver comprehensive solutions to help you achieve your financial success. We offer superannuation solutions designed for individuals, families and businesses. Our financial advice not only helps you understand your finances, it also gives you peace of mind and security. Our aim, every day, is to ensure that our clients’ financial security allows them to get on with the things they enjoy in life. This is what we call the Enjoy Factor and it is the cornerstone of our advice.
Did you know that someone who starts saving with the help of a qualified financial planner at age 30 could be more than $91,000 better off at retirement? This astounding figure comes from recent analysis by KPMG3 and demonstrates the significant benefits of good financial advice. And it’s not just those starting early who can improve their finances. Even those who receive financial advice later in life can benefit with an average Australian aged 60 gaining a potential $29,000 more by age 65.
Try My super simulator calculator if you would like an idea of how much you may need to retire and if you are on track. If you have any questions our advisers are here to support you in taking charge of your super by taking you through three simple steps, Plan. Help. Achieve.
We identify your future retirement goals.
We assess your risk profile.
We review your current super funds and whether you are on track to achieve your goals.
We aim to truly understand your objectives.
We develop a strategy that is designed specifically for you:
The right fund
The right contribution strategy
The right risk profile
The right investment strategy
The right estate plan in the event of death or disability
We regularly review and, when necessary provide advice to adjust your super strategy.
Not only do our trusted advisers deliver strategies that allow you to meet and, even exceed, your desired retirement lifestyle, they also have the experience to provide ongoing support that gives you peace of mind knowing you will get there. Our success is measured by the level of significance we have in the lives of our clients knowing that they are living their Enjoy Factor.
1 Association of Superannuation Funds of Australian (Media Release October 2014) ASFA Retirement Standard. Assumes retirees own their home outright, are relatively healthy and receive part of the Age Pension.
2 ASFA Retirement standard September 2014 description of a comfortable retirement.
3 18 January 2011, KPMG "Value Proposition of Financial Advisory Networks - Update and Extension".